Planting Time: Autumn
Aspect: Sunny position to light shade. Grow best in cool to cold areas, but in warmer areas they will flower well the first year but may not flower in succeeding years because of insufficient winter chilling. Frost hardy. Can be grown well in pots.
Soil: Well drained with well decayed organic matter.
Depth & Spacing: Plant pointy end up, 5 cm deep and 5 cm apart. Can be left undisturbed for years.
Fertiliser: Light dressing of blood and bone both at planting and after flowering.
Watering: Avoid excess watering when corms are dormant. Water well at planting and then only if conditions are dry. Keep watered during growing season if needed.
After Flowering Care: Flower will appear late winter/spring. When flowers have finished remove spent flowers but not any foliage until they have died down. Keep watered while still green. During this time the foliage feeds back into the corm storing energy for next year’s flowers.
Trouble Shooting: Protect from snails and slugs.